Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Our New Visitor - Pussy With A Death Wish.

There's been a cat showing up at my slider for the past two nights, and then again this morning. Miss. Puss was quite enticing and alluring to the all the dogs here. They were going nuts when they saw her sitting calmly, serenely, felinely, mere inches from them. The dogs were being dogs,
sliding/scampering all over the hardwood floors. One dog was growling, glaring.
One was barking. The other two were jumping at the glass door, yelping. The cat didn't flinch. Didn't bat an eye.
I actually started out thinking,
"This cat is really stupid."
Au contraire, mes freres.
This cat knows there's glass separating her from the dogs. The dogs don't understand glass. The cat does.
Basically, this cat is giving the dogs the finger.
I have no idea who in the neighborhood belongs to him. Never seen him before.
The second night the cat showed up, I actually called Frank-The-You-Know-What-Next-Door to ask if the cat was his. "I don't know anything about that cat. But maybe Wallace and Simpson next door do." Hmmmm. Maybe Wallace and Simpson do. Ya think? I left a message on Simpson's answering machine and 3 days later, Wallace returned the call. They'd just gotten back from sailing the Chesapeake Bay and called to say she appreciated my concern about the cat (Hey, I was scared to death any one of the dogs here would happily go after that cat with no compunction whatsoever.) Anyways, seems the cat actually belongs to F-T-Y-K-W-N-D's wife/girlfriend/ladyfriend/ladyfiend/significant other/sailing partner. And she couldn't keep it because F didn't want it. I don't know anything about that cat. Hee. So Wallace kinda said she would kinda look after it. So when Wallace and Simpson took off for their sail, Wallace asked F's SO to look after her very own cat while they were gone. And the cat keeps coming over here. This is quite telling.
With four unrestrained, loud dogs chomping at the bit
ready to rip him a new one and an invisible barrier the cat knows about but the dogs just don't get. That cat is smart. But I still think he has a death wish.


  1. Cats like to rile dogs up. It's in their nature.

  2. This proves my lifelong belief that cats suck ass & dogs are people. So there!

    Sorry about all the barking & strife in your house though. That sucks ass.

    Love ya Rosie!

    xo Ange in the WI

  3. One of the cats who lives in our apartment complex loves to do this to my cats. My oldest one goes completely berserk trying to scare the outside cat away.

  4. It just goes to show that the cats are smarter and more independent that the dogs.
