Remember back in January when I bought my first orchid for my birthday?
Well, after blooming since January, the last blossom fell off today.
So this morning, I ran to email Orchidgirl to ask her a myriad of questions about orchids: pruning, repotting, fertilizing, etc.
After firing off my email, I noticed she'd just sent me one about updating her blog.
I anxiously await her postings, so immediately went to check it out.
Marilyn's Blog.
Everything I wanted to know right there.
Weird, Marilyn, how brilliant minds think alike.

When I turned the orchid around to examine it, I was very excited to see this.
There's a new little shoot coming up on the left side.
Now I think I'll go give it a little drinkie of fertilizer.
So this morning, I ran to email Orchidgirl to ask her a myriad of questions about orchids: pruning, repotting, fertilizing, etc.
After firing off my email, I noticed she'd just sent me one about updating her blog.
I anxiously await her postings, so immediately went to check it out.
Marilyn's Blog.
Everything I wanted to know right there.
Weird, Marilyn, how brilliant minds think alike.
I sent Marilyn pictures of my orchid stem. Here you can see the two nodes.

I was going to cut at the bottom node, like I do my roses, but Marilyn advised cutting at the top node. Makes sense. If that node doesn't produce a shoot, I can always go to the next lower node.
I was going to cut at the bottom node, like I do my roses, but Marilyn advised cutting at the top node. Makes sense. If that node doesn't produce a shoot, I can always go to the next lower node.
When I turned the orchid around to examine it, I was very excited to see this.
There's a new little shoot coming up on the left side.
Now I think I'll go give it a little drinkie of fertilizer.
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