Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Scribbled Notes About Nemours and du Pont.

It's interesting for me to go back to my hastily scribbled notes from my travels. To see what I saw at a particular moment. To see what grabbed me, the whole time wishing I could write everything down that I was seeing and feeling and hearing. I've done this all over the United States. And I've kept my notes. Here are the notes I scribbled in a 2 3/4" x 4" flip top pink pad a friend gave me. On the hard cover, it reads, "Raising Teenagers Is Like Nailing Jello To A Tree." She gave me another which reads, "Your Husband Is The Only Child Who Doesn't Leave." I wish I had enough time to write down everything I want. I did my best. For a little exercise, compare and contrast to the previous post. My notes from the movie we saw at Nemours Visitor Center: 1864 born oldest of 5 AIdP (Alfred Irenee du Pont) master of black powder started as apprentice 1884 (20) age 13 parents died told to get education and come back ask Uncle Henry for job boarding school and college Rtn to powderyard Rose swiftly through ranks raised as child of powderyard 25 made partner respect of workers He always was one of them. mfct. of explosives barely changed over decades 30 yrs 200 patents Creativity in machinery & music conductor and composer 1902 1st crisis uncles decided to sell DuPont Co. He wanted it Got 2 cousins to keep in family 42 yrs - divorced 1906 Bessie (scandalous) married to woo her Alicia a yr later. Built her modern Versailles Pleasure Palace 47000 5 story 18 months to complete Nem after ancesters 77 rooms 300 acres gardens Pierre & Coleman & Dupont tops in powder C wanted out A objected to $ P went behind back illegal & breach of contract A forced to leave co he devoted life He was one of the powdermen. 1920 lowest ebb forced out of DP export business failed Bankrupt death of Alicia Jessie Duvall 20 yrs jr found love & affection w/ Jessie he'd been seeking all his life married Above all - loved family Moved to FL estate Epping investing real estate paper > new fortune focused on Philanthopy Old Age pension plan for state of DEL paid for it himself 1935 Died 70 $40 million estate most left to Nemours foundation to children health care Aristocrat Heart w/ those less priveleged Wanted to take care of Brandywine $850,000 regilded Carerra marble statue Wimbleton Gate Catherine the Greats gate from StP Russia 300 acres divided Hospital grounds house & gardens European wall shards of glass on top Carillon 30 bells To love & to know Clock commissioned by Marie Antoinette. A I Dupont 3rd wife's Jessie Mother Bell was Washington Chair from Mt Vernon Chair from coronation King George VI furniture K Louis XVI 23 carat gold leaf Jessie Ball Dupont Meissen Jars hand painted Lalique crystal carved alabaster Ebony & Ivory Birdbath w/ carvings given by Louis 16 1st Century Greco Roman vase tear vase when tears evap official mourning is over George Romney paintings signed Tiffany peacock vase Dupn AI studied under Antoine LeVoisier powder coffered ceilings 17th c. tapestry Lourdes Jessie commissioned Limoges china 18th cent Italian leather screens Ding Room Chandelier from Marie Antoinette In librar 19th cent works of art Peter Bruegel wood from 16th century English manor Chandalier of Marquis de Lafayette 18th c. tapestries Upright I stand Motto of Duponts rectitudine sto bathroom -carrera marble w/ handpainted tiles 18th cent French desk roll top Mahog Rosewood tulipwood inlay largest formal French garden in Nor Amer. Chippendale Kates gates Cath the Great Handblown Murano glass for chandelier Epping Forest in Jackson ville indoor bowling alley Cannon Replica USS Constitution Temple of Love Statue of Diana Weeping beech when mature cover an acre branches reroot in grd Around Pool Walls travertine carrera marble statues Pink marble urns from Hapsburgs Vienna Water tower And that's the story of Nemours and A. I du Pont. It's poetry. And I think I pretty much cut to the chase. This was the life of Alfred du Pont. He made a difference. He is a man, I think, to be admired.


  1. Makes perfect sense to me. Thank you for documenting our travels, it was a memorable journey. Next stop Biltomre?

  2. I'd love to go to Biltomre. Again.
