Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rosie's Flowers.

I love this coral gladiolus in my front yard.
Volunteer sunflower. Columbine.
Red zinnia that perfectly matches ...
... this flower. Which I don't know what is.
OK, Mar. It's a perennial. It's easily divided. The foliage looks like that of a gladiolus. Please ID for me. And that would be my internet friend and Master Gardener, Mar, of Foodies Untie. Too slow, Mar. That's OK. I know you're busy. I'll go find something else for you to ID so you won't feel left out. Anony has ID'd it as crocosmia. Thanks, Anony.


  1. I dunno what that is, it almost looks like red yuca from the flower stalk, but that isn't so tender. Anyhoo, I tore out all my nigella yesterday which means it's time for you to toss out some seeds for next year, or you could wait until fall. Want some seed?

  2. I meant yucca, not yuca. Yuca you should eat; yucca you should not bend over around.

  3. That's Crocosmia

  4. Zzadig, I'd love some more seeds. Thanks.
    And thank you, Anony, for the ID.
