Here's my garden from October 5.
I've been saving this post.

Unfortunately, Irene took out my herb garden.
I found more oregano, sage, and thyme
at the Elizabethan Gardens,
so that's been planted.
My lemon grass is coming back.
Lots of cilantro is coming up.
Need to find some rosemary plants.
Apparently rosemary doesn't like brackish flooding.
In the back garden,
I have kale, turnip greens, collards, mustard greens,
spinach, and carrots
just starting to come up.

This is my new project.
And a picture really doesn't do it justice.
This is all pulverized glass
and when the light is right,
it looks like a stream of water flowing through the yard.

In the May issue of Our State magazine,
I read about Carl Walker, the
King of Trash
at the Manteo Recycling center.
I decided I needed some of the glass in my own garden.

Mexican sage.

Cat's whiskers.
orthosiphon stamineus.
A member of the mint family.

My roses are doing very nicely now.
They always do after a hurricane.
Their leaves are stripped by the winds,
then I come in and prune them waaaaay back,
fertilize them, and they think it's spring again.

Cluster of amaranthus seedlings.

Cat's whiskers.