Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Birthday To Rosie!

Hello, all my friends. Just popping in to tell you I had a wonderful birth day. Thank you, Mr. Hawthorne!
Mr. Hawthorne always asks me for a list of possible gift ideas. I wanted more Joe Boxer leisure attire.And I got it! Spoons and forks. Hee!
But the spoonin' and forkin' won't 'nuf.
He got me Joe Boxer Jeans!
Back side.
Front side. The Boxer Jeans have a hole in the knee. This is freakin' awesome!
OMG! WTF! I got a DROID! I think. What's a droid, again? But it is a Smart Phone, right? Because it's making me feel dumb as shit. Compare it to what I've had for the past 15 years. I do NOT know how to use this phone. But I did figger out how to put a weather widgit on my home page. HAH! Just can't duplicate it. Let's move on from my technically challenged self.
Mr. Hawthorne and I went to the Teeter today to pick up my Birthday Lobsters.
We got home about two-ish and Mr. Hawthorne steamed the lobsters.
That thar's some clarified butter.
Dip the sweet ethereal lobster meat into the butter and consume. Lobster is divine. Oh yeah. I made killer fried green beans.
One must have champagne with lobster. It's a given.
Plus it's my birthday. After a glorious day of much celebration, Mr. Hawthorne presented me with one more gift. Butterflies.
Last week when Mr. Hawthorne took Glowria and me up to Virginia Beach to meet Ticky at the Flower and Garden Expo, I saw all these butterfly frames at one of the vendors. I loved them. Mr. Hawthorne wasn't even with me physically at the Expo. He and Ticky were alone, separately, on their own. Marilyn and I stayed together. He got the butterflies for me. All on his own. Imagine that. Happens a lot. I loved the butterflies. Don't worry. These butterflies weren't killed. There was a butterfly garden. And people waited, apparently, for the butterflies to ... die ... a natural death.
Oh Golly Gee!
Happy Birthday, indeedy!
Mr. Hawthorne made the cake. Recipe to follow.
Important point: Mr. H. says not to skimp on the middle frosting layer. Keeps it moist all the way through.
I thank you all for your good thoughts and energy today. It's been a great day.


  1. Oh my Gosh! Daddy did GOOD! i Love the leisure attire, its perfect. My favorite, and I was like WOAAHHHHHHHHH, is the butterflies. Soooooo pretty. Soooo soo beautiful. I love butterflies. Happy birthday mama I'm glad you had a good day it looks like. :)

  2. Waney, Daddy did GOOD indeedy. I have trained him well lo these many years.

    I love my Boxers!
    I'm wearing them.
    (The ones with the forks and spoons.)

    The butterflies are on the wall.

    Life is good.
    And Happy!

  3. Now, if I could just figger out my new phone.

  4. You are lucky. Mr. P only gets me gifts for my birthday that I buy myself. Heh, that works, right? And there is no cake in this house, ever.

  5. I'm married to the sort of man who will come home and say, "I thought about getting you this, but I didn't."

  6. I'm so glad you had a lovely day with lovely food and lovely gifts and lovely company. I especially like the lovely great gobs of frosting on the cake.
    *word verification "matelike"

  7. Great Day in the Morning!
    He's good to you! Happy Birfday!
