Here, he's playing with his dough.
Mr. Hawthorne continues to work his dough, named Cyclops.

Mr. Hawthorne rolls his bread dough out.

Next, Mr. Hawthorne brushes a mixture of melted butter and a half package of Goya Sazon con cilantro y tomate. It's a seasoning I find in the Hispanic section of my regular groshry shtore.
If you wanted to make it yourself, just mix cumin, paprika, chili powder,
and maybe garlic and onion powder and salt and pepper.
He then painstakingly applies Parmesan cheese to his bread sticks.

Next, Mr. Hawthorne brushes a mixture of melted butter and a half package of Goya Sazon con cilantro y tomate. It's a seasoning I find in the Hispanic section of my regular groshry shtore.
If you wanted to make it yourself, just mix cumin, paprika, chili powder,
and maybe garlic and onion powder and salt and pepper.
Let set for awhile so they can rise a bit, then bake at 350 degrees
about 12-15 minutes.

about 12-15 minutes.
We told Dixie to get on her pillow but she's quite suspicious of the puppy smells on it.

She's going around in circles about 2 dozen times to break down the leaves, twigs, and sticks in her nest. Plus she's taking her own sweet time about it since that "smell" is there and she doesn't want to get it on her.

Heat your oil in a skillet. I know it's ready when I stick the end of a wooden spoon in the hot oil and bunches of tiny bubbles come out.

She definitely doesn't want to be on this pillow, but she's trying.
After all, it is her pillow.
After all, it is her pillow.
"Mama, can you please put this in the washing machine.?"
Eleventy gazillion years of doggism goes into this behavior.
She's going around in circles about 2 dozen times to break down the leaves, twigs, and sticks in her nest. Plus she's taking her own sweet time about it since that "smell" is there and she doesn't want to get it on her.
OK, not much longer to go.
I coat the pheasant parts in a mixture of flour, cornmeal, salt and pepper, and Adobo seasoning.
Um, I am representing one Dixie Hawthorne, who claims extreme emotional distress at having to share her home and her pillow and stuffed duck with an upstart American Bull Dog puppy. Dixie is asking for an unspecified amount of specially made treats and an unlimited amount of personal hugs and grooming for the unforseeable future. I will bill you for my fees....
ReplyDeleteDon't worry. She's getting all of the above and then more. Plus, she does sleep in my bed - no, HER bed - every night. Which she lets me sleep in.