Saturday, March 22, 2008

What Ed's Been Doing.

I know everyone's been wondering about the latest exploits of WonderMan Ed.
Well, just let me go back into my photographic archives and show you.

What started out as a 3-5 day project turned into a 3 week project, due to the suppliers' continuing screw ups. Ed was terribly frustrated. He had my whole kitchen ripped out in less time than it took him to put in ONE DOOR.

When you come in my front door, on the right are these steps going down to a storage room and Mr. Hawthorne's shop. To the left, although you can't see them, are the steps going up into the house. (And yes, there's cramped storage room under those steps too.)

All these years, we've just had this fabric as a drapery ...

... to hide this.

Now, in my defense, this little room doesn't always look this messy.
Just what with the remodel, things tended to get moved out of the upstairs and ended up down here, in Hell's Storage Bin.

We decided to enclose this area with an actual door. Down at the bottom, to the left, there's a door that goes into the carport, and the boys always left it open whenever they used it and also there's a terrible draft coming up from there.
Here, Ed's added the extra step where the door is going.

Ed's getting all the framework ready for the door.
And what's that rectangle at the top you ask?

Beautiful new door.

I love glass block.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, love the wainscoting. And I love the finished product. Isn't it funny how we live with things for years before we finally get a round tuit?
