Good Neighbor Bob just called me.
Bob: "What's this I hear about a new stone fence you're putting up on your property
between you and F-T-F?"
Rosie: "What are you talking about?"
Bob: "Well, I just talked to Frank (The Good and President of the Association) and he talked to Chris (the Manager of the Association) and Chris told Frank (The Good)
that Frank (The Bad) told him you were
putting up a stone fence between you and him."
Rosie: Whaaaaaaa?????????
Bob: "Yeah, I swear. And it was this morning and neither one of us was drinking.
Honest to God."
Rosie: "Bob, you have been misinformed. There is no stone fence going up."
So tomorrow, when I get my truck back and have transportation, Imonna take a trip up to the association office and have me a little sit down with Chris and get to the bottom of all of this.
I want to know what vile lies F-T-F has been spreading about me.
Oh, BTW, about my truck.
Middle Hawthorne had it for 2 weeks while moving furniture into his new digs at college. Brought it back, finally, last Saturday.
I drove it and noticed when I put on the brakes, it would veer strongly to the right.
Also noticed I needed an oil change.
I took it up to my oil changer and when I went to pick it up, Kevin told me that my right front wheel was getting ready to FALL OFF.
Apparently, when I had my last alignment which was last fall right before Mr. H. and I went on our trip to Biltmore,
the folks at Colony Tire
in Kill Devil Hills didn't bother to tighten the control arm,
so I've been driving around without this apparently important part working properly.
Kevin told me that all sorts of bad could've happened.
This scares me immensely, since Middle Hawthorne drove back on 64 going 70 (the posted speed limit) + miles per hour.
Anyways, I took it to another place, they took care of the problem, and I'll pick up my truck tomorrow and pay Chris, the Association Manager, a little visit.
Stay tuned.
Now, folks, alert reader, xmaskatie, just emailed me this picture
of who she thinks is F-T-F.
Feel free to use your imagination.
Since Sister Hawthorne and Mama Hawthorne both read my blog, I really can't say what this looks like, but if you think about Frank The Bad and ... ohhhh, I don't know ... maybe a certain type of head, yeah, a bald head, then maybe you'll get the picture.
And, for the record, I've never used DH for Dear Husband.

"And, for the record, I've never used DH for Dear Husband."
ReplyDeleteNo, but I have used BS for Beloved Son.