I always have a few posts in draft form
to use when I haven't had time to post on my
daily goings-on.
This is one of them.
Here's our dinner from November 9.
Lightly battered sauteed scallops
with sauteed green beans and almonds.
total time for this meal was 32 minutes.
And I was taking my time.

We found all these organic haricots verts
on the rolling rack of going out of date,
on their last legs vegetables
at Harris Teeter for just $1.00.

I melted some LOLUB
(Land of Lakes unsalted butter)
and added a little ELBOO
(Extra Light Bertolli Olive Oil)
and dropped in the rinsed beans.

I cooked for 2 minutes
over medium heat ...

... then added a little sugar in
along with some freshly ground salt and pepper.

A minute later I added in a handful of almonds.

Another minute later I added in a couple teaspoons of soy sauce.

I added some water,
covered the beans,
turned off the heat
and started on the scallops.

I had rinsed and drained the scallops ...

... and prepared my batter.
I wanted just a mere dusting
so I used Gold Medal Wondra flour
and for my seasoning I used a combination of spices
I've had in my fridge ever since I made
the tuna from the Alinea cookbook.
(Essentially, the Alinea recipe called for tuna jerky.
I just couldn't bring myself to do that.
I had sushi grade tuna and I refused to turn it into leather.)
The spice mixture is from
that recipe.
It's basically
1 part red chili flakes
2 parts black sesame seeds
2 parts white sesame seeds
I just toasted these in a small dry skillet
then saved them in the fridge in an air-tight container.
Caution: Be sure you have plenty of ventilation.
Toasting chili flakes can be quite hazardous
to your lungs.

I added the Alinea spice mixture to the Wondra flour
and mixed well.

I barely coated the scallops with the flour mixture.

I put the three largest scallops in the pan first
(after heating up the ELBOO and LOLUB),
cooked for a minute,
then added in the smaller scallops.

After cooking the scallops for 4 minutes,
I added in some white wine to deglaze a bit.

Dinner is almost ready.

I added a bit of butter back to the goody bits.

Heated it up, then added more white wine
to deglaze.

Reduced a bit and my sauce is ready.

I plated the green beans and almonds and sauce.

Then I added the scallops.

Here' s my plate with a zesting of lemon
atop the green beans.
Mr. Hawthorne raved about the green beans.
They were lovingly cooked to crisp/tender perfection.
The addition of 1-2 teaspoons of sugar
augmented the natural sweetness of the beans.
The soy put a new dimension spin on the mix.
The almonds added another crunch, texture, and flavor.
Too bad he doesn't like lemon zest.
The zest on my beans gave them a lovely lightness and pop.
The scallops were to.die.for.
Sweet, succulent, and scallopy.
The dusting of seasoned flour was perfect
for the delicate flavor of the scallops.
It's not a batter.
It's a light dusting and lets
the scallops shine.
That looks divine, Rosie.