Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ever Wonder Where Your Seafood Comes From?

Thanks to Xmaskatie for sending me this: Toxic Seafood Warning. I'm with Outer Banks Catch 100%. Today's Coastland Times, one of our local newspapers, has a front page article about the Outer Banks Catch. Outer Banks Catch, involving the counties of Dare, Hyde, Tyrell, and Currituck, a northeastern North Carolina initiative, is moving forward. Dare commissioners, at their mid-March meeting, formally accepted a $150,000 grant from the Golden LEAF foundation for the Outer Banks Catch initiative. Outer Banks Catch will aggressively market locally harvested seafood to sustain the commercial fishing and seafood processing industries. Their branding campaign will extend to retail seafood dealers and restaurants. The motion was made at the March meeting to authorize county manager Robert Outten to sign the Golden LEAF agreement and adopt the budget. Over half the funding is to be used for marketing and promotion in the twelve-month term of the grant. The Commission for Working Watermen recommended to the commissioners that the firm Corder Philips of Charlotte be engaged to design an Outer Banks Catch logo and website. Mr. Hawthorne thought it would be a good idea to let local school children come up with The Logo. I thought it an excellent idea. Sort of a grass roots movement, starting with our children, which are our future, and spreading exponentially, to parents and community. It would mean so much more if this one thing, The Logo, weren't OUT-SOURCED. Outer Banks Catch is all about LOCAL. Why not consider keeping The Logo local? Outten has been authorized by the board to negotiate a contract with Corder Philips or OneBoat Outer Banks, of Manteo, as the alternate.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, screw health care reform; spend the money on better screening for our food supply. Let's start with the cause of many of our health problems.

    And then, if the politicos are feeling especially adventurous, they can go after the processed food industry.
