Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rosie's April Flowers.

Someone untied my apron and left the door open, so Rosie ran outside to check out what's blooming.
This particular rose is called First Prize. Check out the size in relation to my hand.
My stock. This self seeds everywhere. It comes in lovely pastel colors.
More stock. The smell is intoxicating.
More stock.
Whoot! I found one of my boys' army figures underneath the irises. Anybody know what kind of rock that is? Be quiet, Xmaskatie. I know you know.
I love the color of this iris. You like my new tennis shoes? (One thing about digital cameras in direct sun - you can't see the screen.)
I love this color blue.
And now, more roses.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a lovely tennis shoe!
    Oh, and the roses are nice too.
