Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rosie's Garden and Plants.

Thought you might like to see some of the pretty in my garden, instead of more cooking. Tomorrow, I'll be back with Day 2 of the Rosiethon and five more delectables for you.
Zinnias are all volunteers.
My herbal area.
I love the contrasting textures here. They please me.
More plants coming inside.
Christmas Cactus knows what time it is.
I semi-decorated my Norfolk Island Pine.
The bird in my Norfolk Island Pine is a gift from my friend, Carmen, of the Rosie/Maxine/Carmen triangle/coven.
I love the graceful arches of this dracaena.


  1. It's nice to see color and flowers. Everything is dead and brown here in WI.

  2. Nice roses. Your gardens are lovely.
    bitch. (meant with love, as you know, just didn't want any misunderstandings)

  3. Thank you, "Anony." Received with love.
