Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Rosiethon. Day 4 Of Rosie's Christmas Baking. Cookie #13.

Not every day is a good day. No matter how well you plan things, sometimes they just don't turn out right. Today was one of those days. I quit baking altogether after this. Apparently, my mojo is on the fritz.
As Chef Anne Burrell would say, I burrrrrrrrrned the crrrrrrrrap out of it. This was Cookie #13. Pecan Squares. On Day 4 of Rosie's Christmas baking. I was going for 3 cookie recipes today. That would get me to #15 and that's sorta half/way through. In four days. A personal best for me. Sadly, it didn't happen. It was a new recipe. I set the timer for 30 minutes. The recipe called for 34-35 minutes. About 12 minutes into baking, smoke was coming out of the oven. Sad.
I will not be including the recipe. Wait. My mind is turning to a very dark place. That recipe can't be off that much to burn like this. Oh crap on a cracker. It's my oven! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHH! And this happened on a weekend. No service. : (


  1. Ahh, so now the challenge begins. Didn't you start you blog to show you could cook without a kitchen? Full circle and all that.
