Thursday, August 6, 2009

This Is For You, Angela In Wisconsin. Rosie Makes A Pork Chili Verde.

Not too long ago, my friend Angela in Wisconsin emailed me a Just Ask Rosie request (Just Ask Rosie anything at Ange wrote: "Chili. Good old fashioned Chili. Red, meat, beans optional & some heat. Everytime I try to make this it's like eating red water. If red chili isn't your thing, then an attempt at green chili with pork would be welcome as well. " I looked it up, and Ange emailed that to me on July 11, 2009. I made the red chili for Angela on July 17, 2009 and posted about it here.
Today, I'm doing a Chili Verde with Pork, just for you, Angela. And it's August 5. So, I'm finishing off your requests within 1 month. Rosie thanks you, Ange, for always keeping me on my toes, and always challenging me. Your input is much appreciated. And I thank you. Sorry, Ange, you can't make it down for dinner tonight, but the Hawthornes will be thinking of you.
Here's my finished product. Pork Chili Verde with a side of Corn Bean Salsa embellished with sour cream and sprinkled with cilantro.
I started out with some kidney beans and pinto beans, maybe 1/2 cup of each. I rinsed off the beans, put them in boiling salted water, reduced the heat, and simmered for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, I poured the water out, rinsed off the beans, added fresh water and the beans to the pot, salted, and brought to a boil again. Reduced heat and simmered for another 20 minutes, or until beans are how you like them. I don't like my beans mushy. I prefer them al dente. I rinsed off the beans and drained.
Here are my cooked pinto and kidney beans.
While the kidney and pinto beans were cooking, I prepared black beans for a side dish. Always rinse off your beans first. And I never follow the directions on the package to soak overnight. Not necessary.
Pour the black beans into boiling salted water, bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes. Drain, refresh water, and bring to a simmer again. After another 20 minutes, drain and refresh water. Bring to a simmer for another 20 minutes, or until beans are ready. Toothy. I like toothy beans. Rinse and drain. Set aside. Now for the verde part of Chili Verde.
I husked my tomatillas and rinsed them to get off the sticky stuff.
Sliced them ...
... and sauteed in olive oil.
I browned both sides of the tomatillas and set them aside. In addition to these tomatillas, I also used the rest of my tomatilla salsa I had left in the fridge. My ingredients for Chili Verde: pork, cut into 1/2" cubes salt and pepper 1 onion, chopped 5 garlic cloves, minced 1 TB oregano 2 tsp cumin 5 fresh bay leaves or 2 dried 2 (4.5 oz.) cans diced green chiles 1 cup salsa verde (tomatilla salsa) (Oops. Dint have it in the picture.) Sorry. 1 cup chicken broth
I cut my pork tenderloin ($2.99/pound) into 1/2-inch cubes, salted and peppered it, and browned it in olive oil and butter over medium high heat. Always work in batches, searing the meat, and removing it to a bowl. Never dump all the meat into the pan. Work in small batches. Searing and browning a few pieces at a time, then removing them from your pan, heating up the pan again, and adding another batch. If you dump all the meat in at the same time, you lower the heat drastically, and the meat steams, not sautes and browns.
I added minced garlic (5 cloves) and chopped onion to the pan, cooking for a few minutes, until softened.
I returned the meat and accumulated juices
back to the pan and added my seasonings:
1 TB oregano
5 fresh bay leaves (If you're using dried, 2 bay leaves.)
1 teaspoon of cumin.
2 cans of diced green chiles.
My browned tomatillas and my tomatilla salsa.
And about a cup of chicken broth. Stir to combine, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover, and cook about 30 minutes. (Longer if you're using a tougher cut of pork, like a pork shoulder. In that case, cook until tender.)
I chopped a green pepper from the garden and added it in after about 20 minutes ...
... along with some cooked corn kernels.
Looking good.
I put in the kidney and pinto beans at the end and just heated through.
My chile is done. While my chili was cooking, I prepared a corn and black bean salsa to accompany it.
Mr. Hawthorne scraped the kernels off the ears.
I dropped 3 tomatoes in boiling water for 10 seconds so I could easily peel them.
I heated up a bit of olive oil, added in the corn, and cooked for a few minutes, tossing with a great flourish.
The ingredients for my corn bean salsa: cooked corn cooked black beans tomatoes, ready to peel red onion Anaheim pepper (or any other mild pepper) for color 5 jalapenos (Mine are still very small.)
After slipping off the peel, I sliced my tomatoes in half and gently squeezed to remove the seeds.
I chopped half a red onion.
And I mixed the chopped tomatoes, onion, and peppers together.
Corn and black beans went in.
About a tablespoon of sugar.
And a tablespoon of cider vinegar. Mix thoroughly.
I served the chili verde on a tortilla with the corn bean salsa and sour cream aside and a sprinkling of cilantro over top. My boys came back for seconds and thirds. Again, no leftovers. As always, you can amp up the heat if desired. Want more heat? Add more jalapenos to the chili. Or sprinkle raw, minced jalapenos over top of the plated dish. If you like it with more cumin, add in some. Always taste as you go along and season in layers. Tailor it to your tastes. Hope this is what you had in mind, Angela. Please let me know if you try it and like it.


  1. Well you certainly are wonderful. I mean that in the most sincere way too.

    I have searched your site for chile rellenos.. havent found it, do you make them.. I have seen a few on the blogs, but cant choose which to try, suggestions?
