Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Youngest Hawthorne And Junior Hawthorne Leave.

The first little birdie and his puppy leave the nest.
Today is Tuesday, August 18, 2009. It's a sad day for me. Youngest Hawthorne starts school tomorrow. Here he is taking out his essentials to his car for the 3 hour ride to Greenville.
Junior knows some shit is up. He doesn't know what, but he knows something. Dogs always do.
I like the lines of his car. It's 8:05 PM.
Mr. Hawthorne helps Youngest Hawthorne with his flat screen TV.
Junior is getting agitated.
You know what? I think with Junior's long spine, it might just hurt him to sit. He feels more comfortable stretching out.
I love you June Bug.
I'll miss you, sweet puppy.
Junior's curious to know what's happening outside.
Here are Youngest Hawthorne, Junior, and Rosie. Mr. Hawthorne shot the picture, then I cropped it so Youngest Hawthorne's face wouldn't be in the picture. He hates being in my blog. Then I started playing around and turned it into Black and White.
Youngest Hawthorne's tail lights,
going off into the good night. Be safe. God speed.


  1. Whoo-hoo! One down and 2 to go. Then all the dogs (except the queen) will be gone and I can come visit again.

    Not quite the response you thought I'd have, eh?

  2. Whoot!

    No, Kathy. Your response is spot on.

    I spent the better part of the day today, cleaning the upstairs - YH's bedroom and bathroom. Mission accomplished.

  3. Did you do a little dance after you wiped off your tears?
