Thursday, June 10, 2010

Guess Who I Ran Into At Food Lion!

You never know who you're going to run into when you're at Food Lion. I was in the ham, bacon, sausage, and etcetera section, deciding to buy some links, since I hadn't had them for so long. I turned around to add the links to my cart and I bumped into - HOLY CRAP- a life-size poster of Pauler Dean. I HATE being startled like that. This happened to me once before, again in Food Lion, when I turned around and ran into a life-size poster of Rachael Ray hawking Ritz Crackers. If I recall, this was at Christmas time, and I had to FOREGO RITZ CRACKERS for TWO MONTHS, until FL sold out of all their boxes of Ritz with the Rache's mug on them. Those life-size posters are downright scary. Reminds of the time I was at a local convenience store, paying at the counter. I turned around. Right behind me was Magic Mike, a local clown, in full clown mode, on his way to an event. Once again, my heart lost a few beats.
Can you imagine turning around into this? It actually happened and it scared the crap outta me. As you know, I suffer from Bozophobia. Anyways, back to Pauler.
I always have my camera with me, so I got this nice lady to pose with Pauler for a photo-op. Funny thing. A Food Lion employee was straightening up the stacks of sausages, hot dogs, and bacon, and heard my startled comments (Something like, "Holy shit!) when I ran, literally, into Pauler. She got a chuckle out of it. Another employee came over and complained about how Pauler's eyes followed him everywhere. Later on, in another part of the store, we ran into the first employee again. She came up to us and asked us if we were locals. We've never been asked that. I said yes. She said, "I thought so, but you were acting like a tourist." That's hysterical. It was because I had the camera.


  1. I guess I'll have to remove the copy of "Killer Clowns From Outer Space" from the impending package. At least you haven't run into a living, breathing Al Gore at the store, I have...

  2. I keep waitin' for Sandra Lee to show up with the Cool Whip. Guess she doesnt' like the freezer section...or maybe Cool Whip thinks her recipes are too bizarre to be affiliated with her, no matter how many tubs of that dreck she uses. Off to plan my dialy tablescape...

  3. I guess Pauler was hawking her "Smiffiel" hams, but I would think she'd be better placed in the buttah section.

  4. I saw a life-size chicken in the grocery store today. Oh wait, it was a person dressed as a chicken.

  5. tortietat - you're right. That's EXACTLY how Pauler says the name of the nice little town next to mine (and I'm going there on Monday with my mother & an out-of-town guest). I do NOT expect to bump into the butta queen.

  6. ms p, I would love to see Sandra Lee standing really close to a COLD freezer
