Monday, June 7, 2010

WHOOT! Ticky Comes To Visit!

Oh fraptious, joyous day! Ticky, of Reinventing A Boomer Blogdom, came to visit me Saturday. She's never been up to the harbor, so off we went.
It was HOT - in the 90's.
I love these old oaks.
I particularly liked this picture.
Boaters, sunbathers, and swimmers, were all having a good time.
Some even brought their own personal flotation devices.
These kids were having a wonderful time burying pirate treasure in a huge sand dune.
Here's Mama Osprey waiting for Papa Osprey to bring some fish for their babies.
Papa flew in with a fish, gave it to Mama, and flew back off for more. Sorry, didn't get a photo of that. I was too far away.
Three little chicks.
We left the Osprey Family to go back home, cool off, and take a walk through the garden.
We came back to the harbor just in time for the sunset.
The day is officially over. Thanks for visiting, Ticky. Come back soon.