Monday, June 7, 2010

WHOOT! Ticky Comes To Visit!

Oh fraptious, joyous day! Ticky, of Reinventing A Boomer Blogdom, came to visit me Saturday. She's never been up to the harbor, so off we went.
It was HOT - in the 90's.
I love these old oaks.
I particularly liked this picture.
Boaters, sunbathers, and swimmers, were all having a good time.
Some even brought their own personal flotation devices.
These kids were having a wonderful time burying pirate treasure in a huge sand dune.
Here's Mama Osprey waiting for Papa Osprey to bring some fish for their babies.
Papa flew in with a fish, gave it to Mama, and flew back off for more. Sorry, didn't get a photo of that. I was too far away.
Three little chicks.
We left the Osprey Family to go back home, cool off, and take a walk through the garden.
We came back to the harbor just in time for the sunset.
The day is officially over. Thanks for visiting, Ticky. Come back soon.


Kathy said...

It's always a good time at Rosie's house!

Marilyn said...

Gorgeous sunset!