Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Episdoe In Which Rosie Hears A Noise Downstairs.

Rosie was upstairs, doing laundry and a bunch of other crap, and heard a little crash downstairs, that was at just the exactly right decibel level to make the ADT alarm lady inform me of something amiss - a possible breach of security.
When I went downstairs to check, this is what I found - Dixie leaving the scene of the accident. I had left my apron, folded, on the computer stool, which is directly underneath a shock sensor. I don't know how Dixie donned the apron. Beats me.
Dixie's not sure what to think. Points for putting on the apron correctly.
She was kinda embarrassed, I think. Or it could be desperation. P.S. I meant to write Episdoe in the title. Did you notice it? As long as you have the first and last letters correct, you can scramble the middle and people can still read it. At least I can.


  1. Thanks for the laugh. Chef Dixie is adorable!

  2. Dogmama, I was waiting for you to comment!

    Thank you.

  3. I am still chuckling over the chef "intruder", only in your house, heh.

    Love the Junior pics earlier too but no time to comment this week.
