Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Dinner At The Hawthornes'.

Again, I apologize for not posting. Rosie's been busy. Here's what we had for Christmas Dinner - LAMB!
Because Mama Hawthorne always poured boiling water over her lamb before cooking, I still do.
Instead of mashed potatoes, Mr. Hawthorne made mashed turnips.
I got out a package of Schwann's baguettes and buttered them.
Next, I started on my side dish. I sauteed mushrooms in butter.
Added in onion pieces and FROZEN peas. If you use CANNED peas, I will hunt you down and hurt you.
Some torn lettuce leaves went in, along with a little sugar, salt, and pepper.
Mr. Hawthorne smashed the turnips with salt and pepper and butter.
I baked the baguettes until a nice toasty brown.
My lamb, after baking.
My plate, with lamb slices, piece of baguette, pea, onion, mushroom, lettuce mixture, smashed turnips, and a baked sweet potato with butter. Delicious meal. I love lamb and it's been such a long time since I've had it. Now, videos of the puppies. Enjoy!
When will I realize that I can't edit my videos that I shoot vertically? Giada doesn't like Silly String.
And Beau is scared of bubbles.


  1. Cute doggies!

    Whew, it's a good thing I would never dream of even buying canned peas.

    Dinner looks lovely, dear. You want to trade for some ham?

  2. I totally agree. Some vegetables should never be canned. Peas, green beans, potatoes, greens. But SLop llllloves them.
    I llllloved Mr Hawthorne's comment about the circle of crotch-sniffing.
