Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank You, Yanceyville, NC.

After we had a nice visit and birthday lunch in Greensboro on Tuesday with Middle Hawthorne, Mr. Hawthorne dropped me off in Danville for a lovely visit with Mama Hawthorne and my dear friend Maxine, while he went on to Bassett and Collinsville to see his family. This morning, we headed back home to the Outer Banks. Just mere miles out of town, we started having car troubles. Mr. H. would put on the gas, the tach would rev up, but, alas, no acceleration. Uh oh. We are only 5 hours away from home and this does not bode well. We go to Yanceyville and stopped, as usual, at Yoder's Market, where Mr. Hawthorne stocked up on their delicious butter, homemade sausage, corn salsa, and pickled beets. And I bought several copies of the Caswell Messenger because YOU-KNOW-WHO had a write up! Here's an EDIT. On 01/06/09. Xmaskatie just informed me that the Caswell Messenger offers their past stories for $5 a pop. Highway Robbery! Who's gonna pay that in Caswell County? Or anywhere? So's, I'm offering the article here: (I scanned my pics and sent them to myself.)
Since we were having car problems, the ever-so-nice lady at the register at Yoder's gave us directions to Caswell Tire Company. The nice folks there immediately took the truck for a test drive and naturally, it didn't do what it had been doing for the past 12 miles. We don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. But they didn't charge us anything, so, thank you very much, Caswell Tire. After leaving Caswell Tire, we stopped at the offices of the Caswell Messenger so I could personally thank Angela for the nice article she wrote about me. Thank you again, Angela. I appreciate your efforts. The Caswell County Courthouse is right near the Caswell Messenger office, so I figured I had to shoot pictures of that. While I was shooting, a lady was walking across the street and generously offered to turn the Christmas lights on for me. Seeing how I was shooting into the sun, it really wouldn't have worked, but I thought it was an extremely nice gesture. All in all, Yanceyville, NC, is a wonderful town with some of the friendliest, nicest, and most helpful people I've ever met. Again, I'd like to offer my thanks and appreciation to the nice lady at Yoder's for her directions, to the folks at Caswell Tire Company for their help, to the random lady crossing the Caswell Square for offering to turn on the lights for a complete stranger, and to Angela at the Caswell Messenger for affording me my 15 minutes.
This, my friends, is Yoder's Market. Every time Mr. Hawthorne and I visit Danville, we always stop at Yoder's Amish Market on our way home.
This is a market unlike any you've ever visited.
Spices line the right wall.
All types of jellies, jams, and flours can be found. You can find stuff here you can't find anywhere else, except maybe online. I also found xanthum gum, which I may buy next time I go. Don't know what to do with it, but I'm sure my Alinea cookbook will have a use for it.
After visiting Yoder's Market, we took a bit of a detour so I could take pictures of the purple house. This purple house is the Yancey House, built in 1810 by Bartlett Yancey, a local and state politician. Today it houses the Yancey House Restaurant. We will definitely make a point to stop and eat there one of these days.
Here' s a bit more of the history of the Yancey House.
A trip to Yanceyville would not be complete without a visit to the Caswell County Courthouse, which was completed in 1810.
Here's what that sign is all about. The Kirk-Holden War of 1870.
In front of the courthouse, is the Confederate Memorial. I'd like to include more of the history of this lovely town, and perhaps one day I will, maybe even going into the story of Chicken Stephens, which I'm not saying Mama Hawthorne's family had anything to do with ... but I just wanted to get this post out as soon as I could. P.S. Angela! Are you salivating?


  1. Glad to hear that you made it back safely. What a beautiful courthouse.

  2. Looks like a great trip, congrats on the article!

  3. That was a wonderful article about you in the Caswell Messenger. Good for you!

  4. Loved the Caswell Messenger article and pic! Showed it (by way of Smart Board)to my University class today that included a couple of Math Majors--one met Rosie on Tuesday night in the university dining hall) and then emailed it to their professor (who also, was Rosie's major math professor). Loved your visit Rosie--am still dining on left overs. Funny thing though, I've noticed that folks seem to show up on my doorstep around dinner time after your visits. Do you think leftovers might have something to do with it? Maxine

  5. Neat article Rosie! When are you going to start your amazing Christmas baking? And here's a question: I'm only going to make 4 things this year...what would be your suggestions for bars or cookies that aren't too expensive or time-consuming?

  6. Hey Kelley, As a matter of fact, I just started my Christmas baking today. For something easy and a favorite, I would recommend my nut and berry bark - White chocolate with pistachios and dried cranberries. I also have a recipe for microwave peanut brittle that's quite good. Everybody loves snickerdoodles and buckeyes (peanut butter center with chocolate coating).

    And thanks, Maxine for everything.
