Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dixie Peanut Brittle Video.

Here's my link for the video on Dixie Peanut Brittle. Please be patient. I've tried to upload a 65 second video on blogger for the past 2 hours, then I finally figured out how to upload it to video/google and link to it, and I'm damned proud of myself for figuring this out. Hang on. The rest of the post will be appearing soon. Edited to Add: I posted. Check out the post before this. Rosie does her HAPPY DANCE!!!!! HAPPYHAPPYJOYJOY!


  1. Humph, it says the video is currently unavailable. Also, it makes you log into your Google account, which I have, but what if someone doesn't?

  2. What??????

    And here I was thinking I was the smartest thing on the block.
