Friday, January 1, 2010

It's New Year's Day. So It's Collards And Black Eyed Peas.

Happy New Year's Day, everyone. It's the first day of a new year. I must post.
Mr. Hawthorne wants a "traditional New Year." That means black eyed peas and collards to him. We never had that "tradition" in my family, but I'm game, since I loves me some greens and any type of legume.
Greens (from my garden) with flash.
Turnips (from my garden) with flash.
Greens. No flash.
Turnips. No flash.
Put about a half inch water in the pot. Slowly steam.
Throw in some turnips ya dun growd. Some smoked country ham.
Just cook it all down.
These are fried green tomatoes. Heirlooms at that. Mr. Hawthorne germinated the seeds last January/February and babied them for months until he transplanted them. Then he continued to issue the love.
Black eyed peas. With ham. This is LUCK! I don't believe in luck. I believe in self.
My plate: front - sliced turnips with butter back right - black eyed peas back left - greens with buttah and malt vinegar
This is an excellent meal.


  1. Rosie, Rosie, where have you been? Greens for folding money, black eyed peas for pennies (back when they meant something) and for luck. Curried black eyed peas with mushrooms work for me. And spinach if you can't face collards (I can't). The fried tomatoes are a nice touch, though.

  2. As always I had blackeyed peas, turnips, pork roast, mashed potatoes and cornbread for New Year's Day...always a tradition here in the south...yours looked wonderfu.

  3. ....pork roast,mixed greens and black eyed peas down here in Florida !! So so good, I am having it again for lunch.

  4. You just had to rub it in that you still have roses growing, didn't you?

    We had our ham and cole slaw for luck and money here.

  5. Mar, that was merely a gentle nudge. I would never, ever rub it in. Just ask Xmaskatie.
