Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rosie Makes More Appetizers For The Party.

First off, I'm making Rosie's Famous Dill Shrimp dip. Trust me on this. Whenever I serve it, I have no leftovers. It's very good and everybody loved it last night.
Rosie's Dill Shrimp Dip 1 cup mayo 1/4 pound shrimp, cooked and coarse shopped 1 TB minced onion 1 TB minced celery 1 TB lemon juice 2-3 TB fresh dill,chopped Tabasco - a few drops sliced green onion Mix all ingredients. Chill. Serve with crackers. (I like Triscuits.)
I found a small bag of small to medium shrimp in my freezer. I usually buy my shrimp in the fall when they're biiiiiggggggg. About 50 pounds or so. Heads on. I head them and sort by size and freeze. Small ones, I'll generally use for dips. I'm guessing this bag was 1/4 pound, but you could use up to 1/2 pound. Coarse chop the shrimp, so you know what you're biting into.
The shrimp is hiding under the mayo, celery, onion, lemon juice, and dill.
Mix thoroughly and add a few drops of Tabasco.
Top with a sprinkling of sliced green onions.
And dip away.
You could give this a sprinkling of paprika or cayenne for a bit of color and flavor. Mr. Hawthorne cooked 3 pounds of shrimp the night before and I'm in charge of the cocktail sauce. I like my cocktail sauce to be of the sinus-cleaning variety. No wimpy sauce for me.
Rosie's Cocktail Sauce 1 cup ketchup 1/2 cup horseradish 2 TB lemon juice 2 TB Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce Mix together.
Ahhhh. Yes. Note: There were no shrimpies left. Finally, I'm making a Buttermilk Ranch dressing to go with the obligatory crudite platter. I'm not big on crew-dee-tayz. I am not a rabbit. In fact, I pronounce it crud- ite platter.
Rosie's Buttermilk Dressing 1 cup mayo 1 cup buttermilk 1 TB lemon juice 1/2 tsp hot paprika 1/2 tsp onion powder 1/2 garlic powder salt and pepper 1 TB chives 1 TB parsley 1 TB dill Mix all together. Chill.
Mix first 6 ingredients.
Add in fresh herbs.
Mix well and chill.
Mr. Hawthorne neatly sliced all the veggies. Cucumber. Celery. Carrot. Red, orange, yellow, and green peppers.
Serve with Buttermilk Ranch dressing. I knew I'd have a lot of this left over. Not a problem. Looks like a stir fry is in our near future. Stay tuned for all the fun at the partay!

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