Last Friday,
I attempted Alinea's Cheese in Cracker.
Unsuccessfully, I might add.
I cooked them the 6 minutes
I was instructed to,
but they didn't brown.
I had half of the dough leftover
and I hate wasting anything,
so Monday night
I used half of the leftover dough
for a pizza.
Here's my little ball of dough.

I rolled it out about 1/16 inch thick.
There's only a tad of yeast action still working,
but I love thin and crispy pizza crusts
and this delivered.
Next I started on my toppings.
First I steamed some spinach.
Spinach cooks down to next to nothing.
Drain on paper towels ...
... and use the boiling spinach water
to pour over top of some sun-dried tomatoes.
Cover the sun-dried tomatoes
and let sit for about 30 minutes,
until nice and soft.
I dug down into my freezer
and found some ice cube trays
with pesto I made this summer.

I cooked the cracker dough for about 9 minutes
in a 450 degree oven.
It did not
poof, as before.
I used 4 pesto cubes
and spread it over top my pizza cracker.
I coarse-chopped my spinach ...
... and strategically placed on the pizza.
Mr. Hawthorne had used some roasted red peppers
in a dish of his the other day,
so I used them up.
After opening up a jar of peppers,
I've found they get moldy rather quickly.
Best to utilize them promptly.
Roasted red pepper slices get added.
I found some prosciutto hiding in a fridge drawer
and arranged slices on my pizza.
Found a red onion.
Falling onions.
After the sun-dried tomatoes were soft,
I sliced them ...
... and dropped them on the pizza.
Action shot!
A little Queso Fresco.
Some grated mozzarella.

Then Youngest Hawthorne came in
and decided it was necessary
to grate a huge honkin' pile of mozzarella atop the pizza.
Good choice, son.
You learned well, My Little Grasshopper.
This went into a 450 degree oven
until the cheese was melted and slightly golden.
This was delightful,
as I'm sure you can imagine.
Let's go back over the ingredients, shall we?
Just so you can get an accurate picture
of all the flavors, smells, textures, and tastes
going on here.
Cracker-thin crust.
Pesto coating.
Steamed spinach.
Roasted red peppers.
Prosciutto slices.
Red onion.
Sun-dried tomatoes.
Queso Fresco.
Excellent pizza.
Now, I still have 1 dough ball left from the
attempted Alinea cracker dough
I made last Thursday and Friday.
For the next bread thingie
I will make with the last piece of dough,
I think I'll season the dough first.
Add some garlic, maybe onion,
some fresh herbs.
Maybe some olive oil.
I think I have an actual cracker in mind.
This was extremely appealing.
Both visually and gastronomically.
I love how you waste nothing , use everything, and make it into something damn delicious, magical. What a talent.