Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Essence of Elegance

I'm soooo excited!
Lemme tell you guys, I just came up with this absolutely brilllllliant idea. I kid you not. It is f'ntastic.

Get some roses out of your very own garden, and apply one to the stem of your wineglass with ... get this ... a CLOTHESPIN!!!!!

This is soooo freakin' ELEGANT I'm llllliteralllly paralyzed with giddiness.

I just dare one of you to tell me I'm not the smartest thing on the block!!

No takers?

I didn't think so.


  1. Ack! Rosie, those roses are gorgeous! Please do tell - what variety is each? I especially love the yellow/pink one.

  2. Hmmm, I don't know. I think it might look better if you had used SILK roses, sprayed with rose aigstract. And with your Michael's coupon, you could have bought those silk roses for next to NOTHING!

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