Friday, November 9, 2007

Tigerwood In Daughter Hawthorne's Room.

WHOOT! Floorman was here today and put down the tigerwood in my daughter's room. Mr. Hawthorne and I went to Home Depot yesterday and picked out the brass plates and vent covers.

Wow. That trim is really yellow.

Doesn't look so bright in this picture taken at night, but I swear you need sunglasses when you go in here in the daytime.

I'm liking the white crown and base moldings.

I gotta get used to that yeller.

These photographs just don't do justice to the overwhelming yellow of this room. I hope you like LOTS of YELLER, Daughter Hawthorne.

Ed is working on the 6th- Yes, you read that correctly- the 6th- coat of yellow on the doors in order to cover up the BLUE that Daughter Hawthorne had painted them.


Marilyn said...

Purty floor!

Lane said...

thaaaaaaaaats the idea!

I hope when I get home it's not as greyish as it looks in the pic.