Well, what a freakin' fine turn of events we have here. Mr. Hawthorne went out again this morning to ask the workers to please remove the 10 inches of top soil they had pushed up against our fence (and in the process of doing so, damaged said fence), else he was going to take out his leaf blower and blow the dirt off INto their newly poured concrete.
They begrudgingly did so. When I came back from running errands this morning, I noticed a wee bit of retaliation. Those used to be full, lovely shaped pines which I had shaped and pruned since I planted them. THEY SHEARED MY PINE TREES on the PRICK side of the fence !!! BASTARDS!!
They begrudgingly did so. When I came back from running errands this morning, I noticed a wee bit of retaliation. Those used to be full, lovely shaped pines which I had shaped and pruned since I planted them. THEY SHEARED MY PINE TREES on the PRICK side of the fence !!! BASTARDS!!
Now, this is from MY property looking out. This is where I usually park. Guess I ain't gonna be parking here today.
Oh, and see that Porta-Potty? It's been moved. To MY PROPERTY!!!!! See where the fence is? Their friggin' bathroom is in my front yard! People are TAKING CRAPS in my FRONT YARD!
I just called the porta-potty people and told them the pot was on the wrong lot and they needed to come out promptly and put it back on the neighbor's lot. The gentleman I spoke with apologized profusely and said it would be taken care of.
And remember a few weeks ago when I finally called the Homeowner's Association to complain and Mr. Hawthorne immediately called them back and said, "Not to worry?" Well, Mr. Hawthorne ain't home now.
I called the Association and they're sending a Sheriff's Deputy out here.
Rosie has had her fill of this shit and she's fighting back. She is sick and tired of the astounding display of pricktatude this "neighbor" exhibits constantly. Rosie has taken her gloves off and she's ready to get her hands dirty.
Ooooh. What's this new car in the cul-de-sac?
Well, you know what they say about squeaky wheels.
Bye bye Porta-potty.
Good bye to bad rubbish.
I consider this a Semi-productive day.
Oh, I hope they start behaving. If nothing else (and there is plenty else!) Blocking the cul de sac has to be a public safety issue. Good luck!
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