Sunday, January 20, 2008

I Have Fallen Under Sandra's Spell. Someone Please Bring Me Back To The Light.

For years, Mr. Hawthorne has threatened to get me a crock pot. I told him if he ever did, I'd throw it INto the canal.

Then ... I watched this SLopisode:,1977,FOOD_9936_109183,00.html

I might add that I watched in utter horror.
Now Sandra Lee has committed numerous crimes against food, but this ... this ... was absolutely the most heinous.

And since Ticky is coming to visit this weekend, I thought I'd make an
"Easy Elegant" meal for her: Smothered Meatloaf.
Surely, it was a mercy killing.

So, what did I do?
I ran out to WalMart today to buy me a slo-kukker.

See what this bitch does to me?

Mr. Hawthorne was laughing the entire time at WalMart.
"Well," he said, "Apparently, it took Sandra Lee to get you to buy a crock pot. Looks like you're going to have to eat crow - slow cooked."

I think I need an intervention.


  1. Just cook some real food in the crock pot at some point and the culinary gods will forgive you.

  2. Don't be too afraid. They are good for some things. They're wonderful for making stocks (keep things at a perfect simmer), chili, I love doing meatballs and red sauce in mine.
