Friday, February 15, 2008

Rosie's Back!

Now, you all know how much Rosie loves snow.
Imagine her surprise after traveling 300 miles to see her Mommie, then going to her dear friend, Maxine's, house to have dinner and spend the night, when she heard the distinct sound of sleet hitting the bricks and bushes in the backyard.
A few hours later, we looked out the window, and it was SNOWING!

Here's what we saw the next morning:

This is Maxine's backyard.

The view out Maxine's front door.
That's Maxine's bay tree.

That's Mommie's car on the left.
How long has it been since I had to sweep snow off a car and turn on the defrosters to get rid of the ice ?
And it was very slippery out there.

Pretty branches with snow.

Maxine's backyard with the sunlight streaming through.

View across the street from Mommie's house.

What little critter was this in Mama's back yard?
Flowering Japanese Quince in Mama's backyard.

Red Nandina burries.

Mommie's backyard.

More of Mommie's yard.

Round about in the neighborhood.

Did I mention that I.LOVE.SNOW?


  1. I'm so happy for you. Really, I am.

  2. omgggggg the snow is soooo sosososo pretty! Sue's back yard looks like a fairytale wonderland with ice princesses and sparkley snowflake gnomes
