Monday, May 18, 2009

Another Walk Through My Garden.

Please join me for another walk through my garden.
I love this purple rose. It has a very deep, intense aroma. It's surrounded by blueish-white larkspur.
Larkspur comes in all different colors. I love the different shades of blue. And these self seed all over the place every year. The seedlings will start coming up in the fall, and they over-winter very nicely, then they bloom in mid-April to late-May/ mid-June.
If you look at the sky in the background, you'll see we're about to get some precipitation.
The red rose is a Mr. Lincoln and is one of my favorites. It has beautiful blossoms and a wonderful aroma. The pink rose is Queen Elizabeth.
Red rose among the larkspur.
And here's the rain I saw coming.
Heirloom tomatoes planted in far right. Assorted peppers in other two beds.
First vertical row on the left is a mesclun mix. Then a spinach. Then arugula. The horizontal rows in the middle: Top row is dill (just germinating). Basil in the middle. Another type of spinach on the bottom.
Tall foxglove on left, rose bush in back, and the pink flowers are oenothera, also known as Evening Primrose.
Queen Anne's Lace.
Cilantro blooming.
My foxgloves.
The other day when I was out weeding, I found this little plant seedling. I knew it was something (It appeared to be some type of succulent.), not a weed, but I didn't know what it was until I went to the plant sale at the Arboretum Saturday. The Elizabethan Gardens had ice plants for sale and the foliage looked exactly like this. I don't know where the seed came from though. I've never grown ice plant before, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is.
My thyme is blooming.
As is my sage.
A purple foxglove with an orange gerbera daisy peeking through.
Brilliant blues and white larkspur with one lone pink larkspur.
Oooooh. Lookie. Storm coming.

And here it is:


  1. Correction...
    but I didn't know what it was until I went to the plant sale at the Arboretum Saturday, AND XMASKATIE POINTED IT OUT TO ME.
    And your freakin' larkspur and roses look fantabulous...bitch.
    Can't tell from your pic, but are your heirlooms doing as well as your hybrid tomatoes? Mine are definitely not.

  2. Hey, we had the same weather.

  3. Your gardens are ogeous. I love how you laid them out. I am envious of your veggie garden. because of my impending move, I wont be able to do one this year. I will miss it, but there is always next year.

    The water shot is beautiful too, do you get to wake up to that beauty every day? Lucky lady!

  4. verrrry nice! Your beautiful garden needs showers to stay that way. Just gorgeous
