93 % lean ground beef
has been on sale at Food Lion,
so I've been taking advantage of this.
I prefer the leaner meat.
I can't begin to tell you the number of burritos
I've made lately for the Hawthornelets and their little friends.
Numerous chilis have been made, eaten, and frozen.
Mr. Hawthorne has made Sloppy Joes.
We collaborated on a Nacho platter with toppings.
And last night I made my go-to comfort food.
I guess I must've needed it.
Mama Hawthorne used to make
what I called Meat-Stuck-On-Bread.
These were glorious open-faced sandwiches -
toasted white bread
(I don't think there was whole wheat back then.),
and ground beef slathered on top
with seasonings and some buttah,
then put under a broiler until it's perfect.
For the grownups, Mama would add a sliced tomato,
Hellman's mayo, and cheese on top.
And I think maybe paprika.
Seems there was a red sprinkling on top
and I'm sure it wouldn't have been cayenne.
Sometimes, I would stay with Mimi,
Mama Hawthorne's mother, for a sleep over.
New Year's Eve Mama and Daddy
would go to the Golf Club for their party.
I was always excited for that one
since they always brought me back the sparkly hats and blowers.
There were other times I stayed with Mimi too.
Have no idea what the rents were doing then.
Totally unlike them to go out and do anything.
Mimi had been told by Mama
to make me Meat-Stuck-On-Bread
for dinner
and I'm sure Mama had told her exactly how to make it.
Their two renditions of MSOB
were the same and different.
I think Mimi used a different butter
or maybe more of it,
because her toast was soaked and really good.
I loved it.
But I loved Mama's more.
Sometimes, I pull my posts out of my ass.
This time, I pulled it out of my gut.
Last night, I made two of these memorable open-faced sandwiches,
actually thinking I'd be able to get more than one bite.
When the toasts were just coming out of the oven,
Middle Hawthorne walked in,
plated the meat-stuck-on-breads,
and walked upstairs where he and his friend, Wilhelm, were watching TV.
I made two more.
When the second batch of MSOB's
(In raspy, manic voice: MSOB! That's Meat-Stuck-On-Bread!)
came out of the oven, MH was coming down again.
I asked him how Wilhelm had liked the MSOB.
"He didn't get any."
Apparently Middle Hawthorne
hadn't even offered any to Wilhelm.
So I called Wilhelm down and plated my MSOB
for him and gave it to him personally.
Just to be sure he actually got it.
And I finally got my very own Meat-Stuck-On-Bread.
Which was everything I remembered it to be.
I eat all around the crust first,
have a few bites of the middle,
and share the rest with Dixie.
That's the way to eat a Meat-Stuck-On-Bread.
Now, Imonna show you how to make Meat-Stuck-On-Bread.
Inspired by Mama Hawthorne,
I give you Rosie's Mf-SOB's.
Ohhhh nooooo! I'm back in college again - Rosie's MSOB!
ReplyDeleteOMG, Marion!
ReplyDeleteYou had my MSOB's.
I forgot.
My mother used to make something just like that but used hamburger buns,untoasted.. but they sopped up all the juices..we ate them open faced and used the top as a bottom! They were a favorite on Friday nights...
ReplyDeleteVery, very interesting. I would have never come up with anything like that but I don't know why. It sounds really good and I'm going to try it. I'm happy for food memories that take us back. I'm glad cooking this made you feel close to your Mother.