Monday, July 12, 2010

Rosie Makes Tahini, Regular Hummus, Roasted Garlic Hummus, And Roasted Red Pepper Hummus.

I love me some chick peas, aka garbanzo beans, and I'm going to show you a few dips using chick peas. Actually, the chickpeas are terrific just on their own. I cooked them perfectly - al dente. These would be great in a salad, or as a side dish, or just to snack on. They're that good. Here's a little info on chick peas, in case you're interested.
I poured my beans into boiling salted water.
I boiled them about 3-5 minutes, then covered them and turned off the heat. I let them sit, covered, for 1 hour, then I uncovered, brought to a simmer, and simmered for 5-10 minutes until they were perfect. Tender, but toothy. You don't want a mushy bean.
I'm making hummus today - actually 3 different types- a basic hummus, a roasted garlic hummus, and a roasted red pepper hummus.
From left to right, my regular hummus, my roasted garlic hummus, and my roasted red pepper hummus. Besides garbanzo beans, hummus also calls for tahini, which is basically a sesame seed paste that I doctored up.
First, I'm making tahini paste. My ingredients: 1 cup toasted sesame seeds maybe 1/3 cup olive oil. I use ELBOO. That's Extra Light Bertolli Olive Oil. pinch salt
Pour the sesame seeds in a pan, spread them out evenly, and toast until lightly brown. Toasting enhances the flavor of the nut.
Lightly toasted, like me.
Pour into mini-processor and ...
... with motor running and pulsing slowly pour in olive oil. And no, it's not moving because I don't have a third hand. Where's MV when you need him?
And here's my tahini.
Next, Imonna play doctor with the tahini. Ingredients: 1/2 cup tahini 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/2 tsp Kosher salt 2-3 TB ELBOO 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 TB parsley, minced 1 tsp lemon zest
Mince the garlic and parsley.
Add garlic and parsley to 1/2 cup tahini in the processor.
While running, pour in lemon juice and zest. (I meant the motor running. You don't need to run and pour.)
Got tired of sticking a toothpick in the tiny feed holes to get the stuck lemon pulp out.
And here's my tahini, perfectly good on its own on a pita chip, and ready for my assorted hummuses.
First, I'm making a basic hummus.
Basic Hummus: 1 cup chickpeas 3 TB lemon juice 1 TB tahini 1 clove garlic salt parsley 3-4 TB ELBOO
In mini-processor add chickpeas and garlic ...
... lemon juice ...
... tahini ...
... olive oil ...
... salt ...
Process, adding oil as needed until you get the right consistency. And you have hummus. Next, I'm making a roasted garlic hummus.
I put a little bigger than 1/2 a head of garlic in my toaster oven at 225 degrees and left it for an hour or so - until you can squeeze the garlic puree out. And no, that's not a lot of garlic. When you bake garlic, the clove turns into a mashed potato-like puree with a very mild garlic flavor. Rosie's Roasted Garlic Hummus 1/2 cup chickpeas 1 TB tahini 1 TB lemon juice 1/2 + head of garlic, roasted 2-3 TB ELBOO pinch salt
Squeeze the roasted garlic puree into the chickpeas in a mini-processor.
Add tahini.
Add lemon juice.
Add oil through feed tube, processing.
And you have a lovely, mellow garlic hummus Now, I'm making a roasted red pepper hummus. Rosie's Roasted Red Pepper Hummus: 1/2 cup chickpeas 1 TB tahini 1 TB lemon juice 1/2 large red pepper, roasted 2-3 TB ELBOO pinch salt
I'm always looking for a deal at the grocery store and I found these 3 quite large, although a bit scruffy, peppers ...
... for $1.50. Yay, me!
I sliced the red pepper in half ...
... and cleaned out the white ribs and seeds.
Place over open flame and let skin blacken.
If you're smart, you'll take the grate off and go directly to the flame.
Let that baby blister.
What? You know I like fire.
Last one. Promise. Now, a lot of cooks take the pepper and put it in a paper bag, seal it, and let the steam work, so you can peel the pepper about 10 minutes later when it's cooled off and the steam has done its stuff. Or you can do it my way.
Have a bowl of ice water ready and immediately plunge the hot pepper into the ice water.
And you can immediately rub the charred skin off ...
... leaving the luscious, sweet flesh.
Slice the peppers in long strips and make a matrix with them.
Then curl the strips up in a small container so they look all cozy and happy.
1/2 cup garbanzo beans into the mini-processor.
1 TB lemon juice
1 TB tahini
pinch salt
Sexy strips of roasted red pepper.
Add in some olive oil.
Add in the rest of the peppers, more olive oil, and process away.
I have to say, this was my favorite.
I toasted some pita triangles to scoop up my hummus dips. I feel so ... so ... ethnic.


  1. I have never thought about making my own tahini. Thanks for the great recipes. Just have to try them!!

  2. Anony, please tell me how you likey.
