Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rosie Busts The Brine And Bottle.

OK, Brine and Bottle. I was trying to be charitable in my review, but I just saw something on your website that FROSTS MY BUTT. This picture is MINE. I published it on my blog March 21 after Taste of the Beach. (Scroll down almost to the end.) I just went to Brine And Bottle's web site and found MY picture on their site. See here. 08/22/2011 Edited to add: Brine and Bottle has since removed my picture from their blog. They stole MY picture and used it on their website with NO acknowledgement. I WON'T be coming back. Color me PISSED OFF! Edited to add: I just commented on Brine and Bottle's site.
Rosie Hawthorne said...

Are you in the habit of stealing photographs off other people's blogs to put in your own blog? © 2010 The Brine and Bottle. All rights reserved. And now you copyright a photograph that isn't even yours. The 2nd place booth photo is from my blog and was posted on March 21. You posted on March 22. See here: Next time, I'd appreciate it if you'd ask.


  1. To keep that from happening, I have seen other bloggers use a watermark on their photos and include a statement on the side requesting that other sites ask for permission to publish any pictures. I actually think it's pretty nervy to use someone else's photo regardless. They won't get our business (fat chance...we live in Calif.).

  2. I don't know how to do that, NMOAC.

    It's rather ironic anyways since if you look at the bottom of their site, it says:

    © 2010 The Brine and Bottle. All Rights Reserved.

    And they snagged MY photograph.


  3. Have you complained to them, Rosie?

  4. Rosie, I've never done it, but Picasa will watermark photos. Link is here:

    Can't say I blame you for being put out.

  5. Looking under Blogger "help" I found this link:

    Sounds like "fun", only without the fun.

  6. The nerve. Could they have asked on your blog and you didn't see it?
    Everyone on OBXConnection has figured out how to slap their names across pictures. It can't be too hard. ;~)

  7. Rosie, You may actually need to contact Right /Left Creative Designs . At the bottom of Brine and Bottles website it lists them as the Web Designer who was paid to set their site up. It lists the person who most likely lifted your picture . Not defending B&B, but I don't think they were the ones who posted your picture since someone else was paid to do the Web design

  8. No, Woodduck. I always know when people comment. I get an email alert.
