Monday, July 4, 2011

Rosie's Mess. But Rosie Cleans Up Pretty Good.

Rosie's been busy.
This pile is all spent flowers -
 mostly larkspur, bachelors button, and black-eyed Susan -
 with a few weeds thrown in.
Even the garbage bins are full of yard debris.
My poor little volunteer tomato plants
 which next door renters ran over
are in the background.
 And that's Buster, one of Dixie's best buddies.
I went to the recycling center the other day to clean up the back hallway of assorted bags of plastics, aluminum, tin, paper, glass, and miscellaneous. I noticed they finally have mulch. Rosie is on a mission. I called my people and they showed up with a trailer and shovels. And yes. I have people.
That's a lotta mulch.
And this is just the first day.
 I'm getting as much as I can until the pile runs out.
Rosie is happy.
Very happy.
If I play it right, I will have a stockpile of mulch.
Blessings just fall into my lap. A neighbor was cutting his grass and I noticed him dumping his bag full of grass clippings INTO HIS GARBAGE CAN. I ran over to rescue the grass and asked him if I could have it. Yes! I dumped it here in the rose bed since it was the closest spot for my neighbor to roll his trash bin over to. Later, I moved the clippings and spread them out around the squash, tomato, bean, cucumber, zucchini, basil, pepper, and tomatillo plants. Little boost of nitrogen. As long as the grass hasn't gone to seed, this makes for a nice mulch of green manure.
This is not the first mess of pulled-up spent flowers.
This is the second pile.

Here are the grass clippings nursing assorted types of peppers, three different beans, and scallions. This is on the west side of the house.Down at the other end are cucumber, basil, assorted peppers, dill, squash, and zucchini.

This bed is on the south side of the house. I had enough grass clippings to cover this bed too. Three bean mix in the front. Assorted peppers. The occasional volunteer dill. Tomatillos. Lots of tomatoes. Mostly heirlooms we started from seeds back in January. Cukes. Zukes. Yellow squash.
I need to go mulch now.
Stay tuned for Rosie's flowers.  


  1. My family raked grass yesterday and mulched around the trees out back. The trees are very happy now.

  2. You have a family who actually helps you with yard work?
