Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rosie Makes A Key Lime Pie.

Rosie decided to have a little fun yesterday afternoon and bake a treat for all the Little and Big Hawthornes.
We were at Harris Teeter yesterday and there was this bag of Key Limes and it called out to me: "Psst. Psssstttt. Rosie!
Pick me. Pick me! Take me home with you and eat me!" So I did.
The blueberries didn't speak to me at all. They can be sullen that way. But they were on sale. And I like blue and green together. Other times, blueberries can be extremely vocal. Go to the end of this post to see what happens when blueberries call to me. Soooo, let's make a Key Lime pie, shall we?
I must give credit to Kelly
of EvilShenanigans blogdom
for the idea of including the pistachios in the crust.
Ingredients for the crust: 1 package of graham crackers 16 ginger snaps 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup pistachios 6-7 TB melted unsalted Land o' Lakes buttah
After tasting the crust,
I think I'd add more pistachios -
perhaps 3/4 cup,
and use the whole stick of butter (8 TB).
I Magic-Bulleted the ginger snaps, graham crackers, and pistachios
1/3 at a time and added it to the melted butter ...
... along with the brown sugar.
I mixed all together.
Then I rolled the crust out with my mini-rolling pin
which has a a larger pin on the other end.
(And don't you just know if Mr. Brycer Sweetness ever caught wind of this little gadget he would be soooo envious of me!)
I zested a bit of lime over the crust, then it went into a 350 degree oven for 10 minutes. While the crust baked, I prepared the filling:
On the left is my bowl of key limes. I juiced them until I ended up with 1/2 cup of juice. Only 7 limes were not needed. 1 can of sweetened condensed milk 3 egg yolks
Here's the crust after 10 minutes in the oven. It's kind of puffy.
I slowly added my lime juice to the beaten egg yolks, whisking merrily away.
Then I whisked in the condensed milk.
Then I poured the mixture into my baked crust.
Grated some lime zest on top. And baked for 12-15 minutes at 350 degrees, until set. I chilled the pie, then sliced after the Little Hawthornes had badgered me half to death.
Hey, if you get scared half to death twice, are you dead?
Sorry for all the pictures, but I couldn't pick out just one picture.
This pie was tart and sweet and graham-crackery and ginger-snappy, and pistachio-ey, and creamy, and blueberry-ish and zesty.
Oh. It was vanilla-ey too, what with the whipped cream.
Just feast your eyes.
This lasted maybe 10 hours.


  1. Looks good, Rosie. Although, I can't get the sound of the Elizabethtown, Kentucky waitress saying Key Lime Pie (say it all while smiling widely) out of my head. Love it!

    Oh, and I have that same rolling pin combo. Works great for rolling out graham cracker crusts (hey, did you know that graham crackers were invented by a man who wanted to curtail "extracurricular" activities, if you know what I mean. Oops, guess I've been watching too many Good Eats episodes.

  2. I've never tried Key Lime Pie, but it looks delicious!

  3. That pie looks very tasty. You can't go wrong with a slice of Key Lime Pie on a hot day.

    As for Brycer, Cor-saaaaaage!
