Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mr. Hawthorne And Rosie Go Out To Breakfast.

Saturday morning I took Daughter Hawthorne's car in
for repairs and was told it would be several hours.
So I called Mr. Hawthorne to come pick me up.
By the time he got to the repair shop,
they'd taken in her car and I was told it would
be only 45 minutes.
Mr. Hawthorne was not happy about this turn of events,
since I could have just sat in the repair shop
and waited and he could have just stayed at home,
but I told him I'd buy him breakfast.
Of course he started whining about the tourists,
the crowds, how everybody's going to be out for breakfast,
I decided on a place we'd never been to before,
I thought it would be good
since when driving Daughter Hawthorne to Manteo High School
at 6:30 in the morning for an away game somewhere,
I'd always see lots of cop cars there.
I have found that cop cars at a restaurant are a true indication
of the quality of the eats.
Grits Grill is located in Nags Head
just past the Outer Banks Hospital,
in the Outer Banks Mall shopping area.
We opted to sit at the counter,
so I had a great view of the grill
and got to watch the cooks preparing breakfast.
That is a huge pile of hash browns on the grill.
I had two eggs sunny side up,
bacon, hash browns, and a croissant,
which had spent some time on the grill,
so it was especially flavorful.
Mr. Hawthorne had whole wheat toast,
eggs over easy, and grits and cheese.
I'm used to eating stone-ground grits at home,
so I generally don't order grits out since they don't compare,
but these were quite good.
When the cook handed the grits over to Mr. Hawthorne,
I asked him for some cheese,
since naturally I'd be tasting the grits.
Mr. Hawthorne and I started bickering
about cheese/no cheese
so the cook just handed me my own bowl of grits with cheese.
At no charge.
I loved watching them work.
And I want me one of those T-shirts.
Another good breakfast.
I'm on a roll!
Since this was Saturday,
we had a special treat:
On Saturdays from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon all summer bring the family and come see "Steve Da Dream" he will entertain you no matter your age.
From Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Steve Da Dream was Da Bomb!
Check out the comb action.
Edited to add: Rest in peace, Steve.

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