Friday, June 12, 2009

T Is For Tool.

I imagine if you looked up
the word "tool"
in the dictionary ...
you would find this picture.


  1. God, he looks totally baked in that picture. Something tells me we could go through the entire alphabet and come up with new names for him!

  2. Thats weird when I looked up the word "phony" the same picture came up....

    Thanks for always making my day with your blog :)

  3. Rosie, why did you put a picture of Trash up on your food blog?

  4. Thanks, Cecile! Glad I could help out.

    And Buckykatt, stay tuned. Working on a new Giada post. I might have worried you with the last one of her covered to her chin, but that was just a fluke. Not to worry.

    And Mar, I always like to keep you guys on your toes. Trash is an ugly side of life and we just can't ignore it. It must be called out on its Trashiness.
    I have met the enemy and it is Trash.
