Thursday, July 7, 2011

Help For Older Dogs Suffering From Arthritis.

One of the best perks of having a blog is being able to ask for help and receiving it from a loyal reader. Warms the cockles of my heart. Here's the post about Dixie swimming with Glowria to which Dogmama responded. To wit:
Blogger Dogmama13 said...

Miss Rosie, I have recently discovered "Eidon" joint support liquid. I have had my elderly dog on everything you mentioned plus Deramaxx for years, yet my old girl continued to decline. I added the Eidon on the suggestion of my sister who gives it to her German Sheppard. I was at wits end and willing to try anything. To my surprise it works like a charm. She is jumping on the furniture and getting down without my help. She can jump on the bed again. It truly has been amazing. I am not a vet or associated with the company for the product but I highly recommend it just from experience. I just hope it continues to help. Love me some Dixie and I have been worried about her in the deep end of the pool as I can tell she has been having more troubles. I give my girl the entire tablespoon which is recommended for adults. Cheers, Barbara (a long time reader and sometimes poster from the left coast)

July 7, 2011 2:56 PM

Blogger Rosie Hawthorne said...

Thanks, Barbara. I'll give it a try. Dixie has good days and bad days. Today was a good one. :)

July 7, 2011 4:12 PM

Blogger Dogmama13 said...

I know about those good and bad days. It's so sad to watch our fur babies age. I rescue older dogs and one of the last ones I had got Adequin shots in alternate hips which helped with her hind legs, but it was seriously expensive. My vet told me they do it in the back of the neck now and can be administerd at home much like you do with Dixie's tea and flick meds only with a syringe. That's anohter option but very costly.

July 7, 2011 7:53 PM

Rosie thanks Dogmama. And I've already purchased bottles of Eidon. Dixie thanks you too.


Christina said...

Rosie, This is Christina, she swam fine the night I visited your lovely home, I'm sorry to hear Glowria isn't swimming as she once did :( I support your holistic route!

Anonymous said...

So which Eidon product did you get? The bone support or something else? My dog needs something, too!

Rosie Hawthorne said...

NMOAC, I ordered the Eidon joint supplement.

Christina, thanks. Dixie has good days and bad days. I try to keep her active.

Dogmama13 said...

Miss Rosie, please keep me posted whether it works as well for Dixie. I use the Joint Support liquid version. I get it at a local health food store. Give Dixie and any visiting grand chillins a pat and ear rub from us. Barbara

Woodduck said...

I have a nine yr. old Dixie girl, too; and was wondering about this product.