Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Hawthorne Siblings Have Fun On A Saturday Morn.

 Rosie is in Danville, visiting Maxine.
Mr. Hawthorne is visiting his Mommie,
somewhere else.

Brother Hawthorne picked me up at Maxine's
to go to the homestead.
And a wagon ride.
Rosie is up for the challenge.

About this point,
we saw two deer jump up and run away.

It is beautiful here.

Brother Hawthorne done good.

Gypsy, taking a well-deserved roll.

Go Gypsy!

This is the place where I grew up.
I love it.

I'll have to ask Brother Hawthorne about the hanging boot.
Don't know the story here,
but I'll find out.

Bro Haw just emailed me.
It's a birdhouse.

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