Monday, December 24, 2012

I'm Tired Of Baking.

Rosie's taking a break from the bake today
and shooting pictures of my Granddogs.

 Junior wants his bowl filled.


 Junior and Beau, chillin'.

Beau loves pulling Middle Hawthorne
on his skateboard.

Middle Hawthorne is exceeding the posted speed limit.

 Nobody messes with Junior's bowl.

 Junior is sporting the Christmas collar
I made for Rosie, my first dog, a black lab.
Mr. Hawthorne and I had a Christmas Partay
in 1984 before we moved to the Outer Banks.
I made the collar for Rosie
so she could wear it at the party.
Beau and Junior share the sofa.

Dixie proudly wore that collar.
Dixie passed the collar to Junior.
Dixie loved Junior
and Junior loved Dixie.
It was beautiful.

 Beau likes to relax in front of the fireplace.

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