Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rosie Is Wrapping Up Her Christmas Baking.

Today, Rosie offers you 3 more delicacies:

At top left are The Ultimate Lemon Butter Bars, which I've already made, but I ended up with 4 extra aig yolks today (from the whites used in the Kisses) that I needed to take care of and the Lemon Bars call for 4 yolks. At top right, are Coconut Macaroons, and at the bottom are my Mama's Meringue Kisses.

I shant bother you with the arrrussssupppeeee for the Lemon Bars again. So let's forge ahead to the Coconut Macaroons.

1 14 oz. bag sweetened shredded coconut
1 14 oz can sweetened condensed melk
1 tsp vanella aigstract
2 jumbo aig-whites, at room temp
1/4 tsp Kosher salt

Combine coconut, melk, and vanella in large bowl.

Whup aig whites and salt on high speed until they make medium-firm peaks.

Carefully fold aig whites
INto coconut mixture.

Drop batter (2 tsps) ONto buttered baking pans.

Bake 25 - 30 minutes, until golden brown.

Next up, Mama's Meringue Kisses.

Beat until soft peaks formed:

4 aig whites
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
2 tsp vanella

Gradually add and beat until stiff:

1 1/2 cups sugar

Fold in:
1 cup chopped pecans
12 oz. semisweet chocolate morsels

Drop by rounded teaspoons ONto cookie sheet covered with Reynold's wrap.

Cook at 300 for 25 minutes.

Cool before removing.

Wallah! Mama's Kisses.

These are sooooo Yummie!

Here are some pretty pictures of the Lemon Bars.

The Ultimate Lemon Butter Bar.

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