Friday, October 30, 2009

I Don't Know What To Call This Post Except A PSA - Public Service Announcement. Get A Mammogram.

A month or so ago, I went to my doctor for my annual you know what. As I laid on the table, wrapped in a postage stamp-sized covering, kinda like a Bolero jacket, I wondered why I didn't bring a napkin or a roll of paper towels for extra coverage. No matter. Back to the deal. I'm in a very compromising position and I wanted to maintain control. Naked and maintaining control. You try it. So, I call out to my doctor: (as the speculum is at ready) "Would you mind getting my camera out of my bag over there?" "Oh, sure." "Gee, thanks. Could you take a picture?" "Excuse me?" "Yeah, take a pic." Her head popped up like one of those whack-a-moles. "A picture of WHAT??!!??" "Yeah, I wanna picture of Ladytown. I'm doing a PSA (pubic service announcement) for Pap Smears and want to include this on my FOOD BLOG." "You want me to take a picture of WHAT????" "Yeah, Take a pic of Ladytown. And I'm thinking about a catchy tune to go with it... Like Ease On Down The Ro-ohd. Ease On Down Ease on Down The Road To Ladytown. Where the cracked sidewalks are rolled up EARLY." The expression on her face was priceless. I finally had to tell her I was kidding. It was a HOOT! Saturday morning, I have a mammogram scheduled. Mammograms are nothing. Please, ladies. Protect yourselves. Consider this your wake up call. Get a MAMMOGRAM!


  1. You are such a hoot. I have enjoyed your blog for several months, thank you for the laughs. This post about tops them all though! I am a breast cancer survivor and the mammogram was a true life saver for me. Early detection is key. Thanks for the PSA! Barbara (from the west coast).

  2. Thanks, Barbara (from the west coast). My sister, too, is a BCS.
    And if I can give a few people some laughs, then I'm very happy.
