Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rosie Makes Moreover Grit Cakes.

In case you don't understand the meaning of moreover grits in my title, let me enlighten you. It came from a previous post of mine when I didn't want to use the word leftover. Leftover comes with the certain baggage of mediocrity and negativism. Instead, I came up with the word moreover, which has positive and exciting and alluring connotations. Here was my explanation from my post about MOREOVERS: Nothing goes to waste in the Hawthorne Household. And I don't refer to the remnants as leftovers. Immediately after writing the word "leftovers," I knew I needed another word that was more real, more definitive, and positive. First I thought of the word re-do's. But that implies it wasn't done right the first time around when it certainly was. Then I considered do-overs. But, of course, that, too, has a negative connotation. I've put a lot of thought into this trying to come up with just the right word which describes the process of what I do in the life chain of the produce and viande I prepare and serve and consume. And my word is moreovers. Think about it: You've already produced and served a wonderful, satisfying, convivial repast. So, what's next? MORE is next. When you say "Moreover," you're likely going to top what you previously said, put an exclamation point there, and/or put it in bold or italics. So, I have no leftovers. I have MOREOVERS! Let's get back to the grits. First, a bit of edumacation. These are NOT grits. No way. No how. This is an ersatz product. Do not be fooled by it. I am Southern. I know my grits. The only grits I use are stone-ground grits from a mill. I usually use Byrd Mill grits, ordered online. I've also used Mabry Mill grits, bought when I was at the mill. Both are excellent products. See here for my blog pictures of Mabry Mill from our trip last year.
Two of the little Hawthornes were home this weekend. The first morning, I made grits for them for breakfast, along with bacon and scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast. The second morning, I made more grits and scrambled eggs with cheese and cream along with sausage patties and homemade buttermilk biscuits and sausage gravy. Coffee and orange juice and milk. And they keep coming back every weekend. I can't understand why. Let's get back to the grits.
I used a combination of white grits ...
... and yellow grits. I started out with maybe 2 - 2 1/2 cups of salted water, added about 3/4 + cup grits, brought it all to a boil, then barely simmered it for about 30 minutes, or until the grits are soft and tender. Be sure to stir occasionally, scraping up from the bottom so the grits don't stick. If the mixture starts to dry out add more water and/or cream or milk. Near the end of cooking, I added in about 1/4 cup heavy cream and some Land o' Lakes unsalted butter. Then I added in grated sharp cheddar cheese, covered, and turned off the heat. After I put in the cheese, I don't like to touch it. Just before serving, I swirl the melted cheese. I want cheddar streaked grits on my plate. Mr. Hawthorne likes to process his grits first in our Magic Bullet. He likes his grits with a much smoother texture. I like the coarser texture of un-magic-bulleted-grits.
The little Hawthornes didn't eat all the grits I had prepared
the other morning,
so I took the grits and spread them out in a buttered baking dish. I refrigerated them and the next morning they're set.
I'm making Moreover Grits. I sliced my grits into little cakes.
Poured melted butter over top.
Grated some Gruyere.
Topped the grit cakes with the grated Gruyere. These went into a 400 degree toaster oven for about 15 minutes, then I turned it to broil, until the tops were nicely browned.
Ooooohy, goooooey creamy, cheesy, buttery goodness.
Breakfast is the most important meal, you know.
You Nawthuhnuhs just don't know what you're missing. My Cousin Vinny's grits HERE. And more grits HERE.


  1. You know, growing up, I had absolutely no idea what grits were. It was only after I started watching Food Network (I guess it's good for something), that I found out what grits were. We Northerners are so deprived.

  2. GRITS: Girls Raised In The South. Leave the cream of wheat to that male Quaker on the box.

  3. Even though I was born/raised in the north, my Dad's family is from NC, so I grew up eating grits. My husband & son and they both love them as well. I make them (the stone ground type) on a regular basis. I have never been able to make the grit cakes though. Even though I put them in a pan and let them set overnight in the fridge, they always seem to crumble when I take them out of the pan. Any suggestions Rosie?

  4. Hello Anonymous #2, Perhaps your grits have too much moisture. I let them cook 30-40 minutes and I add in heavy cream when it gets too "dry" and starts sticking on the bottom. Also I put cheddar cheese in them.
    Maybe you need to cook them longer.
    Let me know if that helps, because the grit cakes are delicious.
