Thursday, April 5, 2012

Rosie Grills The Last Of Our Third Bushel Of Oysters.

The Hawthornes are finishing off the last oysters.
So far, 3 bushels this winter.
Melted butter and my topping:
 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
 2 TB Hot Hungarian paprika
1 TB sugar

Work with the proportions
until you get them right for your tastes.

I set my oysters on the grill,
 poured a little melted butter on each one,
and sprinkled on the topping mixture.
When the juices started to bubble, they're ready.

If you don't have a grill, you can do these in the oven,
only they won't have that lovely grill flavor.

The following oysters were done in the oven.

These oysters I set under the broiler until the cheese melted ...
... and the oyster was warmed through.

If you're broiling anything,
DO NOT move away from the broiler.
 Watch your oysters.
 Remember, you can never undercook an oyster.
All you want to do is heat the oyster through.
You don't even want to cook it.

 Overcooking is criminal.
Gives you a tough, dry, inedible oyster.

You want a plump, juicy, oceany oyster.

 I cannot describe how much I love this bivalve mollusk.

Mr. Hawthorne fried a few oysters
and served them with his cocktail sauce, tartar sauce, and cole slaw.

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