Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What I Feel Like.

Rosie wants to experience food across this Great Country.
My greatest pleasure in life is gastronomy.

Mr. Hawthorne is
working my every last nerve.

I want a Navaho Taco.


  1. Rosie, maybe Mr H. owes you a dinner at the French Laundry to make up for all the ChinaMacs. Or, you could high-tail it to Phoenix or Charleston (not WVa) before the weather gets too hot.

  2. EAM, we actually drove by the French Laundry on our last trip across country. I was trying to get a rezzie but I think it takes two months at least. He let me out of the truck and I walked around shooting pictures, looking like a whupped puppy. We left and checked in at our hotel for the night.
    Ahh ... Cruel irony. I looked out my hotel window and could see a Burger King, a Hardees, a McDonalds, and a Taco Bell. All within walking distance. I wept.
