Friday, May 14, 2010

Home. Sunday, May 9. Mr. H. Cooks Lobsters.

On our way home last Sunday from our trip, we stopped by Food Lion to pick up a few crustaceans. We wanted a special welcome home dinner.
Please meet D'ontay, Sha'ni'qua, and Melodie. Takin' a little sauna.
Mr. Hawthorne made a salad and a simple dressing - Balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Corn on the cob.
With freshly cracked salt and pepper and lots of buttah.
Sweet corn.
Oh so sweet lobster meat.
All you need with lobster is melted butter and lemon juice. Simple and delicious. Stay tuned for lobster moreovers. Now, for the fur balls:
Dixie having sweet dreams.
Little Junior likes to remain close to Dixie.
Beau likes to be in the center of things. He drools a lot.
Dixie has her own personal space and Beau has entered it. See? Dixie defined it with the wire to the vacuum cleaner. And Beau has invaded her space.
Here, Beau has attempted to sniff Dixie's butt. Dixie does not suffer butt-sniffing. That's a pretty smile, Dixie, you big badass.
We went up to Currituck and picked about 20 pounds of strawberries.
Mr. Hawthorne hulled each strawberry and packed them in individual sandwich bags so we can make smoothies the rest of the year.


  1. Those lobsters look divine.

    Love your doggie day dreamers.

  2. Pree, welcome to my space.
    Hope you stick around and enjoy.

  3. 3 Of my favorite things...lobstahs, fur babies and strawberries !! But no smoothies for me, I would like mine on some shortcake with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream please.
