Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 7 Of Rosie's Christmas Baking - Caramel Pecan Cookies In Basic Butter Cookie Crust.

It's still Monday, Day 7. And I'm making Caramel Pecan Cookies using the Butter Cookie Dough Crust.
Earlier, I made a double recipe of Basic Butter Cookie Dough. After evenly pressing the dough out on buttered foil in buttered 9 x 13 baking dishes, I chilled the dough ...
... then baked them for about 30 minutes in a 375 degree oven and let them cool on a rack for at least 20 minutes before adding my fillings. In my last post, I made a Chocolate Square Cookie, with the Butter Cookie Crust. Now I'm making a Caramel Pecan Cookie using the Butter Cookie Crust.
Caramel Pecan Cookies 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 cup heavy cream 3/4 stick butter (6 TB) 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 tsp salt 2 cups pecans, toasted and coarsely chopped Cook sugar in heavy saucepan over moderate heat, undisturbed, until it begins to melt. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally with a fork, until sugar is melted to a deep golden caramel. Tilt pan and carefully pour in cream (caramel will harden and steam vigorously). Cook over moderately low heat, stirring until caramel is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in butter, vanilla, salt, and pecans. Immediately spread topping over cooled crust and bake until bubbling, 20-25 minutes at 375. Cool completely in pan on rack, then cut into squares.
Cook sugar over moderate heat, undisturbed, until it starts to melt around the edges. Then take a fork to stir lightly.
Above caramel is still sugary and grainy. Keep cooking.
Keep cooking until caramel is clear and totally dissolved.
Remove from heat and stir in butter, vanilla, and salt.
Add in pecans.
Spread caramel mixture evenly over top of butter cookie crust.
Bake in 375 degree oven until bubbling, about 25 minutes. Cool completely in pan on rack before cutting into small squares.
And ... you're welcome.


  1. Yummy...these look wonderful. I am off for Christmas break starting Saturday and these will be on my baking list.

  2. Welcome to my blog, DellaRae.

    Please let me how the recipe works for you. The recipes I include every Christmas are ones that are consistent and work for me every year.

    Every year, I do the same-ol'-same-ol' because IT WORKS, then I always try new ones to incorporate. Some work. Some don't.

  3. I like how you've made different things with your butter cookie dough. That is very smart when you are doing as much baking as you do for Christmas.
