Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sometimes You Just Want A Sign. And Sometimes A Sign Wants You.

Sometimes you want a sign. Other times, the sign is just given to you. It was another overcast and on-and-off rainy day. I love days like these. I just don't do meringues on em'. Hee. I wanted to be like the Heath People and misplace my apostrophe so it makes no sense, as I wrote about in a previous post.
What were they not thinking?
After bluebirds helped me dress this morning, I enthusiastically jumped into and merrily began my day's baking project. I took a small break between my Cranberry Pistachio Biscotti, and my Ghirardelli Mississippi Mud, and glanced Westward/Soundside and was delighted to see this: A big 'ol bag of Heath's Bits 'O Brickle Toffee bits. (This is getting fun.) No, not really. What I saw was a beautiful rainbow, which actually alit in my cross-canal-neighbor's yard. Alas, there was no pot 'o gold. (Sorry. I can't stop 'mself.) Hahahahahahh! I just kill me.
It was unexpected. It was awesome. (And I do not bandy about the words "awesome" and "absolutely," both of which have been bandied about with abandon.) It was beautiful. It was God-sent.
Thank you, God. Do you think God reads my blog?


  1. Rosie, I am sure God reads your blog. The comments are always interesting. I am sure he enjoys the Giada posts as well. (You have to when you make something so perfect like her ...) That is probably why he sent you the rainbow today.

  2. Rosie, went to Ireland with best friend. She had lost her parents, with whom she had always gone to Ireland as she was growing up. It was their special place. Our trip was her first trip back. When we landed, there was a rainbow outside the airport. When we left, there was another one on our way to the airport. A welcome and a goodbye from her parents, this I know for sure. Kelley
